building design Blogs

Pastor Frietas’s Urban Connect Church

We recently shared our professional creativity toward renovating a Phoenix semi-restored 1940s industrial building for new contemporary church use.

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Fairy Duster bloom's matching paint color

We refer to the surrounding natural environment to inspire our color selections for a project. These Little Leaf Palo Verde blooms are a nice match to this Sherwin-Williams color chip. Depending on the variety of Palo Verde tree, the colors will vary. This "Funky" match is a soft pastel yellow with a hint of green.

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Palo Verde bloom's paint color match

These Little Leaf Palo Verde blooms are a nice match to this Sherwin-Williams color chip.

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BSA's Architecture Merit Badge

If you are an architect and a parent with a son in a Boy Scouts of America troop, you need to sign up as a merit badge counselor for the Architecture Merit Badge.

It is about inspiring them to appreciate people (like architects) who are responsible for their manmade surroundings.

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Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel’s street side dining

...a new opportunity for quality local Phoenix dining...

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bill's Greer "red house" and other sketches

My Greer Village sketches are on display at Apache County's Public Library in St. Johns  Arizona during the 2015 months of January  and February.

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greer arizona's winter holidays

This is why I enjoy designing places, like the Ragel Family Greer Community Center.

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steven's chapel

I had to again check out architect Steven Holl's beautiful Chapel of Saint Ignatius.

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one of our world's greenest commercial buildings

Bullitt Center is certainly WOW!

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Modern Phoenix's Home Tour 2014

The docents for this year’s Modern Phoenix Home Tour met in this home (designer/architect unknown) to prepare for the sellout crowd of midcentury home enthusiasts.

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